Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

Get Schooled: Student Stories from Across KY

Get Schooled amplifies and elevates the stories and voices of students so that they can have agency in our education system. Get Schooled is a youth-led podcast produced by the Kentucky Student Voice Team.

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Past Episodes

Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

Police Presence in Schools

Get Schooled's Black podcast team members—Zoë, ViAsia, and Nyasha—talk about the impact of police officers in school, particularly on students of color, and how defunding the police can play out in (and benefit) our public schools.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

School Incentives: Character Coins, Warrior Wages, and Dragon Dollars, Oh My!

In this episode, SVT podcast team members talk about the myriad of ways schools try to incentivize students outside of their grades — and if those incentives truly work.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

Igniting Acceptance: The Role of Teachers in School Climate

Executive Producer Zoë talks about the role of teachers in school climate, alternative schooling, and the power of acceptance with her elementary school principal and founder of IGNITE #loveinschools, Joel Katte.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

COVID-19, Quarantine, and What’s Next (Afterschool)

KY students discuss education equity, student mental health, getting through NTI and so much more affected by COVID-19 and social distancing, and what comes next.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

A Closer Look at Student Teacher Ratios: Does One Size Fit All?

Emma Nesmith takes a personal and data-driven look on the importance of classroom sizes and their impacts on student learning.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

#HereToLearn: A Deeper Look into Senate Bill 1

SVT member Sandra Juarez interviews students in the Latinx community and analyzes the effects of Kentucky's Senate Bill 1.
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