Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Education in Rural Communities (KYEdStorytellers)
Note: This episode contains mentions of suicide and mental health issues. KYEdStoryteller Fellow Felicity Therese Krueger explores suicide prevention programs and mental health education in rural Kentucky from the perspective of the students and parents who are most impacted by them.
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Other Episodes
Amendment 2 Bus Sto(u)ries: Nicholas Hazelett & Ivy Litton
In our Amendment 2 Bus Sto(u)ries Mini-Series, come along with Michelle Zheng as the Kentucky Student Voice Team embarks on a bus tour across Kentucky to speak about and give an open platform to discuss Amendment 2, a proposition that would change how public and private schools could be funded if passed. In our final stop, Michelle talks to current public school student Ivy Litton and public school graduate and current college student Nicholas Hazelett.
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#HereToLearn: A Deeper Look into Senate Bill 1
SVT member Sandra Juarez interviews students in the Latinx community and analyzes the effects of Kentucky's Senate Bill 1.
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