Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY

What It's Like to Apply to College in 2021/2022 (Afterschool)

Kentucky students discuss their experiences searching for and applying to colleges and how those experiences have been impacted by the pandemic.

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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY
Where do we draw the line: Assessing student autonomy
In this episode of "Get Schooled" The Kentucky Student voice team tackles the current state of student autonomy in Kentucky schools through a combination of research, storytelling, and discussion. Listen to Esha Bajwa, Aiden Vilo, and Kira Pusateri talk through their personal experiences with student autonomy in their schools as well as Sara Falluji's assessment of the legality of common policies put in place.
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Get Schooled Podcast, Student stories from across KY
A Closer Look at Student Teacher Ratios: Does One Size Fit All?
Emma Nesmith takes a personal and data-driven look on the importance of classroom sizes and their impacts on student learning.
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