Ray Loux

Ray Loux



Lexington, KY

Senior Advisor


Ray Loux is a trans activist, education advocate and dedicated student. He first became involved in legislative advocacy in February 2023 when SB 150- an omnibus anti-trans bill- was proposed and passed in Kentucky. In the time since, he has led protests, published writing, and taken an active role in determining his future.

In addition to his work with KSVT, he is a youth ambassador for the Human Rights Campaign, a consistent volunteer at his local pride center and food bank, and is pursuing a career in medicine where he will be able to make a direct impact on the lives of trans people.

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Articles by 

Ray Loux

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Notable Contributions

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group selfie at retreat in lexington

Meet the Students Leading KSVT this Year


Each school year, a new group of high school students lead our team’s work and join the board of directors as previous student members continue to guide and advise as they enter college and careers as senior advisors.

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