Zoe Newsome

Zoe Newsome



Louisville, KY

SANE Liaison & Board Member


Activism, people and passion. Zoë joined Kentucky Student Voice Team  on the fall of 2023, in the hopes of supporting people in particular, students with her passion.

She acts as a SANE Liason and has did many engagements within her short period at KSVT thus far such as: Being on both Policy and Research team, help run the Rose Revival campaign across Kentucky!  at a LEHAP Youth Panel and more! She also has been to Ohio and California with other KSVTers in intention of having a understanding of their education system is and how we can help improve theirs as well as ours with the National Urban League.

Aside for KSVT, Zoë fills her day with many organizations that deals with the encouragement for justice for others. She is the President of Allies for Racial Equity at her school: Walden! Has worked with the Louisville Bar Association and spends her  time dedicated to service! Such as volunteering to various organizations and volunteering all around Kentucky on Y-Corps!

Featured Article

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Articles by 

Zoe Newsome

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Notable Contributions

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group selfie at retreat in lexington

Meet the Students Leading KSVT this Year


Each school year, a new group of high school students lead our team’s work and join the board of directors as previous student members continue to guide and advise as they enter college and careers as senior advisors.

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