Rainesford Stauffer

Rainesford Stauffer


The New Edu Managing Editor


Rainesford Stauffer supports Kentucky Student Voice Team's journalism work, co-designing it with students from across the state. She is an author, journalist, and Kentuckian.

Featured Article

We Need Students To Tell The Stories of Our Schools

Students should have a say in their schools, which means they should have a say in how issues of education justice are shared, reported, and written about, too. That's why KSVT is launching The New Edu.

Articles by 

Rainesford Stauffer

Sound Off: Our Hopes For The New Edu

Click into The New Edu inaugural Journalist Fellows sounding off on their hopes for The New Edu.

We Need Students To Tell The Stories of Our Schools

Students should have a say in their schools, which means they should have a say in how issues of education justice are shared, reported, and written about, too. That's why KSVT is launching The New Edu.
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Notable Contributions

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Kentucky Students Launch Independent Education Media Service


Young people from the Kentucky Student Voice Team published the first articles on The New Edu, a new youth-led education media service.

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