Beyond the Classroom

Journalist Q&A: Reporting on politics with Austin Horn, McKenna Horsley, Hannah Pinski, & Sylvia Goodman
As part of The New Edu's Journalist Q&As series, students speak with reporters about covering politics.

We Should Continue Supporting Student Press Freedom
In this opinion piece, a student journalist examines the importance of student press freedom.

In the Race For Governor, Education Plans are Front and Center
How do the two gubernatorial candidates plan to improve the education of Kentucky students? More importantly, what do students have to say about this?

Short & Sweet: The New Edu’s Halloween Hot Takes
Six of The New Edu’s writers shared their Halloween hot takes.

A War Beyond Words: How book bans perpetuate the underrepresentation of vulnerable communities
In this reported piece, a student examines the impact of book bans, harms of censorship, and highlights solutions from experts.
Youth Voice, Authorship, & Democracy: Unpacking Media Literacy with Dr. Renee Hobbs
In this Q&A with The New Edu’s Sara Falluji, Dr. Renee Hobbs breaks down what media literacy is, the importance of youth voice and authorship, and how intergenerational conversations factor in

Ongoing Threats of Gun Violence Lead to Desensitization and Fear for Students
In this opinion piece featuring interviews with young people, a student writer illustrates how ongoing threats of gun violence impact students, their schools, and their communities.
Kentucky Students on Their Favorite Banned Books
For Banned Books Week, Kentucky students share books they love that have been subject to bans, challenges, or debate.

Book Bans Limit What Education Should Be
In this opinion piece, a student argues that book bans limit worldviews, in and outside the classroom.

How do Kentucky schools support students in the aftermath of a bus crash?
It has been more than a year since the crash happened, but the memories do not absolve themselves easily in this firsthand account.

Kentucky Student Journalists Need New Voices Legislation
Join Kentucky’s youth journalists in recognizing Student Press Freedom Day on February 23rd and supporting the New Voices Legislation.

Sound Off: Our Hopes For The New Edu
Click into The New Edu inaugural Journalist Fellows sounding off on their hopes for The New Edu.