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An up-close shot of candy corn.

Short & Sweet: The New Edu’s Halloween Hot Takes

Six of The New Edu’s writers shared their Halloween hot takes.
A row of grey lockers in a school.

SB 5: "Harmful to Minors"

In this opinion piece, a student discusses the impact of SB 5 on education.
A close-up picture of library books.

Kentucky Students on Their Favorite Banned Books

For Banned Books Week, Kentucky students share books they love that have been subject to bans, challenges, or debate.
A close-up photo of colorful library books on a shelf.

A War Beyond Words: How book bans perpetuate the underrepresentation of vulnerable communities

In this reported piece, a student examines the impact of book bans, harms of censorship, and highlights solutions from experts.

Book Bans Limit What Education Should Be

In this opinion piece, a student argues that book bans limit worldviews, in and outside the classroom.
A school bus parked in an empty parking lot.

How do Kentucky schools support students in the aftermath of a bus crash?

It has been more than a year since the crash happened, but the memories do not absolve themselves easily in this firsthand account.
A close-up of the top of a yellow school bus.

JCPS Students Speak Out About "Transportation Disaster"

We heard from JCPS students on their experiences getting to and from school on August 9th, the impact this had on their bus drivers, and more.
jcps,busing,bus issues,louisville
A row of computers in a computer lab with an orange wall.

Youth Voice, Authorship, & Democracy: Unpacking Media Literacy with Dr. Renee Hobbs

In this Q&A with The New Edu’s Sara Falluji, Dr. Renee Hobbs breaks down what media literacy is, the importance of youth voice and authorship, and how intergenerational conversations factor in
SB 150 Rally looking out onto group

When Legislators Won’t Listen: A Student Reflects on SB 150

Students walked out and protested against SB 150. Now, we’ve been failed by a system that is meant to protect us.
sb 150, watching 150, senate bill 150, trans, transgender
Flowers gathered in memorial for victims of the Old National Bank shooting in Louisville, KY. Photo courtesy of: Matt Stone/Louisville Courier Journal

We Were Impacted by the Old National Bank Shooting. We Need Better Gun Control Legislation.

Following the Old National Bank shooting in Louisville, two students speak to being indirectly impacted by gun violence–and call for change.
school safety,gun safety,shooting,louisville
Protestors gather at Kentucky's Capitol to protest SB 150. Protestors hold signs stating "trans rights are human rights."

Senate Bill 150 Is a Step Back Into the Closet for Trans Kentuckians

On March 29th, Kentucky's Republican supermajority voted to override Governor Andy Beshear’s veto—making SB 150, sweeping anti-trans legislation targeting trans youth, law.
Watching 150, SB 150, senate bill 150, trans, transgender
Students at a 2020 religious high school in Burien, Washington hold signs under the cross of their school in support of teachers who were forced to resign because of their sexual orientation. Photo credit: KOMO News

For LGBTQ+ Students in Kentucky’s Catholic Schools, School Isn’t Safe

Prejudice, exclusion, and hatred are subjects they know all too well.
An open drawer of period products, including pads and tampons.

Kentucky schools should provide menstrual products, period.

Senate Bill 55 mandates that all public and charter schools with grades 4-12 have free period products available for students. 
Students of all ages gather on the steps of the Kentucky Capitol, holding signs in support of the CROWN Act.

Student CROWN Act Advocates Rally At Capitol

Organized by ACLU Kentucky and the Real Young Prodigys, hundreds of students across Kentucky joined forces to advocate for the passage of Senate Bill 63, colloquially known as the CROWN Act.
A school white board is at the front of a classroom. Empty seats at a long desk are in front of it, with backpacks on the backs of chairs and textbooks spread across the desk.

Harmful Lessons: How Kentucky classrooms can perpetuate violence and what we can do about it

Curriculum violence can be either intentional or unintentional, but it still negatively impacts students and causes lasting harm.

3 Bills Would Increase Student Representation in KY Education Decisions

The three bills enable Kentucky students to hold their schools accountable, and are backed by bipartisan support.
A dark blue megaphone is in the left corner, with the words "BOLD JOURNALISM, BRAVE ADVOCACY" in orange and blue coming out of it. The image is a logo for Student Press Freedom Day on Feb. 23rd.

Kentucky Student Journalists Need New Voices Legislation

Join Kentucky’s youth journalists in recognizing Student Press Freedom Day on February 23rd and supporting the New Voices Legislation.
A stack of books is on a light-colored wood table. Behind the books, someone lays their head down on the table from stress, with their elbows poking out from either side of the stack.

We Need More Student-Led Mental Health Guidance in Schools

Over 130,000 young Kentuckians deal with anxiety and depression. We need to center students’ mental health solutions in schools.
A red pencil is breaking after it underlines "STRESS," which is written in bright red capital letters on a white piece of paper.

Under Pressure: An essay on school stress and mental health

Immense pressure built into school isn’t consistent with supporting students’ mental health.
gender logo bathroom stall graphic

Down the Drain: Real School Bathroom Accessibility

This is the third installment of Down the Drain on bathroom policy, from time to actually get to the bathroom to the lack of accessible, gender neutral bathrooms.
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